Medi foundation students society continued our series of law seminars in TRNC.
We had the opportunity to bring our team of brilliant lawyers to Cyprus international university to educate them on laws ranging from criminal laws, housing laws, laws on domestic violence, and medical laws pertaining to the students in the TRNC.
We thank the Cyprus international university rectorate, Director of CIU Student Development and Counseling Center (Gamze Atay) for her hospitality and hard work in helping us arrange the seminar, and making it a success.
We thank our lawyers (Nevin ersoy, Yagmur izcan, Melek mestan, and Laden Asilzade) for coming and helping the students and also offering insightful tips and helplines for students within a broad range of issues.
Medi foundation students society believes the law is an integral consciousness and reality of any given place. So it’s imperative for the students to understand it; because it plays a part in their day-to-day dialogue and exchange with the local population in different sectors.
We look forward to our next law seminar that will be announced in due time.
Medi foundation students society.